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Economics and Management

Economics and Management

Bakalářský program, Ústav ekonomiky a managementu

Start your first year with intensive courses improving your language and communication skills in English, and enhancing your competences, including English terminology, in Mathematics and Business, as pre-requisites to successfully complete your studies in the following years. Thereafter, you will be prepared to enter an identical route to the 3-year program, offering you a robust education and a prestigeous degree, providing you access to outstanding work opportunities or further academic education.

The Economics and Management curriculum will provide you with a robust education in many subjects, including Mathematics, Economics, Management, Marketing, and Finance, and a selection of courses familiarizing you with modern industrial and business concepts combined with a module in social, communication and cultural competences that facilitates both your studies as well as future career path in diverse multicultural environments. Enhance your experience by choosing from multiple opportunities for short-term exchange programmes in Europe and overseas.


Programme website



The prestigious BSc programme prepares graduates for work in professionally demanding multidisciplinary and multicultural teams; to take analytical, project, and entry-level managerial positions in various industrial sectors and departmental affiliations, in international trade, product marketing, consulting, and public administration; or to continue studies in high-quality Master degree programmes worldwide.


Example of possible positions:

  • Financial analyst
  • Project analyst
  • Marketing analyst
  • Operations support
  • Account officer
  • Project administrator
  • Sales representative
  • Junior consultant

Detaily programu

Jazyk výuky anglický
Doba studia 4 roky
Forma studia prezenční
Garant studia doc. Ing. Jan Vlachý, Ph.D.
Místo studia Praha
Kapacita 40 studentů
Kód akreditace (MŠMT kód) B0413A050048
VŠCHT kód AB903
Aktualizováno: 3.2.2022 22:33, Autor: Jan Kříž

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČ: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Za informace odpovídá: Fakulta chemické technologie
Technický správce: Výpočetní centrum

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