The second stream, material sciences andengineering, is split into organic materialsand inorganic materials, with the latterbeing further subdivided into metallic 58and non-metallic materials. In terms oforganic materials, research is focusedon the synthesis and modifi cation ofclassical polymers, as well as on controlledpolymerization for the development ofcustom-made materials. Because the lastdecade has seen growing demand for thedevelopment of biodegradable materials,special attention is given to the recyclingand processing of polymeric waste. Recently,polymer nanocomposites, nanofi bers andbiocompatible fi lms have become key areasof research due to their high potential forpractical use.Research into metallic materials is focusedon the recycling of various metals and theirrecovery by means of hydrometalurgictechniques. Importance is also placed on thepreparation and study of high-temperaturematerials and nanocrystaline light alloys.Within the framework of energy-relatedresearch, special alloys in the form of metalhydrides are developed for hydrogen storage.Also integral to this area is research into thecorrosion stability and corrosion protectionof individual metallic materials.Research into inorganic non-metallicmaterials is focused on new types ofinorganic binders, glass and ceramics.This is closely related to the theoreticaldisciplines of transport and colloidphenomena in ceramic technologies, tothe modelling of melting processes and tothe modelling of glass structures. Besidesthe development of new materials, thestability and durability of glasses is studied,including the mechanisms of glass corrosion.Another class of inorganic materials studied 59are the materials used in magnetic oxides,thermoelectric devices, optical waveguides,high-temperature superconductors,diluted magnetic semiconductors forspintronics, and AIIIN semiconductor-basedmicroelectronic and energy applications.Study of this type of materials requires thedevelopment and utilization of advancedsynthesis techniques, such as MOVPE, ionimplantation and single crystal growth.Also important in materials research atICT Prague is the availability of a broadspectrum of characterisation methods:calorimetry analysis, thermal analysis,optical microscopy, SEM microscopy,X-ray diffraction, wave mode spectroscopy,luminescence spectroscopy, measurementof magnetic and transport properties,determination of texture characteristics,and calculation of specifi c active surface.The experimental techniques usedare complemented by fi rst-principlecalculations of electronic structure and bythermodynamic modelling.