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Nanostructuring of Solid Surfaces

V.Švorčík, P.Slepička, J.Siegel, O.Lyutakov, A.Řezníčková, O.Kvítek, T.Hubáček, N.Slepičková Kasálková, Z.Kolská1

Ústav inženýrství pevných látek, Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze

1Přírodovědecká fakulta, Universita J.E.Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem

In: Nanostructures: Properties, Production, Methods and Applications, (Ed. Y.Dong), Nova Sci. Publ., New York, pp. 3-109 (2013), ISBN: 978-1-62618-081-9


Excellent on this relatively extensive chapter is that it summarizes the findings of the preparation, characterization and application potential of nanostructures (especially metal and polymer) on solid substrates. The chapter focuses primarily on the published results of our work for the last 6 years. The results which were published in 54 journal papers from our scientific group are summarized and discussed. These results may find application in material engineering, especially in the field of tissue engineering (treatment of skin cover loss and transplantation of blood vessels) and electronic engineering (electronics - increase of the adhesion of the metal layer on the substrate, or photonics - preparation of metamaterials).

Most of the experiments, e.g. modification and characterization of physico-chemical surface properties of materials including biocompatibility and anti-microbial tests were performed with the equipment at the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague. Zeta-potential measurement was determined at the University of J.E. Purkyne, Usti nad Labem.

Aktualizováno: 5.1.2015 15:47, Autor:

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČ: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Za informace odpovídá: Fakulta chemické technologie
Technický správce: Výpočetní centrum

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