Výzkum zahrnuje XML technologie, elektronické publikování, data mining a bioinformatiku.
The fifth research stream, informatics inchemistry and biochemistry, includesXML technologies, electronic publishing,data mining and bioinformatics. Thefaculty members are a driving force behindthe electronic publishing activity of theInternational Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry (IUPAC). The team at theLaboratory of Informatics and Chemistryauthored the fl agship IUPAC electronicpublication, the XML Gold Book, and isresponsible for IUPAC’s web portals.Together with the university publishinghouse ICT Prague Press, the Laboratoryof Informatics and Chemistry created anelectronic publishing system that offersmany free electronic books covering differentaspects of the technical and natural sciences.Several advanced electronic encyclopaediasalso resulted from this partnership.Within the fi eld of bioinformatics, theresearch focuses on the application ofartifi cial intelligence to the classifi cation ofbiomolecular structure, as well as on thestatistical and data mining processing ofhigh-throughput experimental data.Because these fi elds of research are closelylinked to the accredited degree programmesoffered by the faculty at all three study levels(B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), it is possible forstudents to select one of these fi elds for theirfuture specialisation.During bachelor studies, all studentsare introduced to the fundamentals ofchemistry and materials science. They aregiven a theoretical basis that covers generalchemistry, inorganic chemistry, organicchemistry, physics, physical chemistry andchemical engineering.