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18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/202517:00 - 20:00LectureUmělá inteligence ve vývoji léčiv: Nahradíme někdy vědce roboty?More →
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30CareerJak využít veletrh pracovních příležitostí Chem-ik na maximum?UhelnaMore →
4/Apr/2025 - 4/Apr/202513:00 - 15:00Academic CommunityKlub pedagogů: Jak využívat nová média ve výuce?Room B2319More →
9/Apr/2025 - 9/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30WorkshopCV a motivační dopis, které vás dostanou na pohovorUhelnaMore →
10/Apr/2025 - 10/Apr/202513:30 - 17:00WorkshopPrezentační dovednostiUhelnaMore →
29/Apr/2025 - 30/Apr/202516:00 - 22:00Student's EventsJižák LIVE! 2025Dormitories in Jižní MěstoMore →
16/May/2025 - 16/May/2025Organisation of the Academic YearEnd of classes in summer semesterMore →
19/May/2025 - 19/May/2025Organisation of the Academic YearStart of 1st part of summer assessment periodMore →
19/May/2025 - 19/May/202510:00 - 13:00InvitationZasedání VR FCHTzasedací místnost B2319More →
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Profile of the Faculty of Chemical Technology

Nobel Prize winner Vlado Prelog, versatile chemist Emil Votoček, inventor of soft contact lenses Otto Wichterle and many other prominent FCHT graduates helped enhance the fields of study taught at the faculty. At present, these fields embrace development of new (bio) materials with unique properties, alternative sources of energy preparation with (as yet) unknown substances and new medical drugs, and even methods for preserving national cultural heritage. We are training experts who shift the boundaries of knowledge while being aware of their responsibility for maintaining the fragile natural balance. As the classic has put it: "Cherchez chemie!" How true.

We offer studies in interesting and promising directions of advanced chemistry

  • Biomaterials for medical purposes (metallic, ceramic and polymeric implants)
  • Materials of special properties (nanomaterials, optical waveguides, superconductors)
  • Catalysis, reactor engineering, modeling and informatics in chemistry
  • Drugs synthesis and manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals, fragrances, chemical specialties
  • Glass, ceramics; crystals; plastics, rubbers
  • Conservation and restoration of historical monuments (metallic, wooden and stone)

Research and Development

Research and development activities in the faculty are oriented around basic and applied research in chemistry, chemical technology, and the chemistry of materials (metallic, inorganic non-metallic, polymeric and composite). The faculty is important partner for the chemical and materials industries in both the Czech Republic and abroad.

Updated: 26.1.2017 09:19, Author: Ondřej Kundrát

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